Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This is something I bought at the suupaa (supermarket) today without really knowing what it was. They are very sticky and gooey and don't have that much flavor, and even then not really enough to tell apart the different colors. I'm pretty sure it is called Dango and is a mochi (rice paste) sweet.

I think this is another type of Wagashi, but I haven't tried to eat any yet. I bought it cause it was pretty.

This Taiyaki which I bought at a little stand just down the street from campus. The fish is made of some sort of soft dough and you can get different fillings. I got banana chocolate which actually had a piece of a banana and chocolate sauce in it. Oishii (delicious)!


Gray Rinehart said...

Nice, Steph! I wonder if the Asian market across town would have any of the pretty food.

Edmund R. Schubert said...

Chocolate banana fish... Mmmmmm, yummy.