Monday, August 31, 2009

The Longest Day

The day started at 4 in the morning. Then I lost track of time. I just know it kept on going.

My flights were fairly uneventful. The first was a half hour, the second was 4 hours or so. The last flight was the 12 hour flight. They fed us two meals and a snack, all of which was decent as far as airplane food goes. Last time I was on a plane that showed movies it was the kind where they had one screen for the whole cabin and they just showed whatever movie they had--It was the live action Jungle Book movie, as I recall. This plane had screens for each seat and simultaneously showed multiple movies, each on a different channel. Throughout the trip I watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (unimpressive), Adventureland (strangely depressing), Wolverine, and The Great Buck Howard (I think that was the name of it anyway). I tried to sleep, but I think I only got an hour or two the whole trip. The plane arrived in Osaka at 3:50pm local time (local for me, not for you).

Immigration and Customs went ten times more smoothly than I had imagined. The lines weren't incredibly long and I got through in no time at all. I was finished with the whole process in just a little over an hour. I found a good dozen other exchange students and we all met with some staff who put us on a greyhound bus to get to the dorms. The bus ride was an hour and a half, but it was quite enjoyable as we got to look around at Osaka. There aren't a whole lot of skyscrapers or anything, but the buildings and houses are all packed tightly together and just keep going as far as you can see in all directions. I couldn't tell how they distinguish one area from another, it seemed like it was all just one big city forever and ever.

It was dark by the time we reached the dorm (I'm in Seminar House 4)--local time 6:30ish. An RA met me at the bus and helped me get my bags to my room. I was given a packet of information, which I still haven't fully looked at. I wandered around the dorm and was spoken to very little. Remind me to tell you about the dorm--I'll try to do that tonight. At 8:00 the RAs had a supermarket trip which I went on so that I could have something to eat. I was not very adventurous and just bought some fruit and vegetables and a danish type thing. When we got back I was too tired to do anything other than jump in the shower and go to bed. Hence I didn't write this post until this morning. I went to bed around 10 pm local time which would have been 9 in the morning Eastern time. So really I went from 4 in the morning to 9 in the morning the next day--which may not be a lot, but for me it really is.

Today I have some orientation activites to go to and some business to take care of--like finding my way around, paying some fees, etc. I am looking forward to seeing the campus. Hopefully today will not be quite as long as yesterday.

Thinking of home,


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here Goes Nothing

Tomorrow I set out on my grand adventure. I catch my first plane at six in the morning, go to Charlotte and transfer to another plane to take me to San Francisco. Then I get on my last plane straight into Osaka. Once there I will spend a week living in the dorms and doing orientation activities before I meet my host family and move in to their house. Classes start up September 7th.

I had never really thought about the phrase "here goes nothing" before until writing this entry, but I'm not sure I get it. It doesn't feel like 'nothing'. I feel like it would be more appropriate to say "here goes everything." We'll see.

Next time I write will be from across the world. Take care and don't forget me!



Sunday, August 23, 2009

Last Week at Home

I have one last week here in the states. I can already feel my heart preparing to beat out of my chest. If I don't have a complete meltdown before I get on the plane I will call this week a success.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Address Me


I would like your mailing address so that I can send you mail (maybe even from Japan!).



Monday, August 17, 2009

Digging Up the Ole Blog

Hello hello. It has been a long time, a year in fact, since I last used this blog. This has happened with most of my electronic adventures from my first webproject to my Twitter account. So why am I back? Well, because I am about to go off on my study abroad adventure to Japan and I want to be able to relate what happens. I may even be able to use it to connect to some local elementary schoolers as they do their Japan study. Wouldn't that be swell?

Anyhow, a quick update since it has been a year. My junior year ended as busily as it began. I finished the Star Trek class and had fun doing it--we lucked out and were able to make seeing the new film the final exam. I finished up my term as Chief University Marshal and my time as an Upperclassperson Mentor in Warren Ashby Residential College. I spent the first part of the summer doing another internship--this time getting credit for it (hooray!). I worked for Encore Video Productions in Myrtle Beach doing everything from office work to script supervision and even helping develop their television show project. Now the summer is almost over and I must get ready to leave for Japan on August 30th. Life is crazy.